Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Soooooooooo.. I found this blog (I can't even remember what it is called) but the lady is like a health advocate/personal trainer/dietician-ish kind of gal and she is ALL about "green smoothies." I absolutely LOVE smoothies, but they are pretty high in calories because of all of the sugar from the fruits and the juice so I rarely drink them.

However, I made my own version of her GREEN smoothie today and included:
1 small banana
1/2 cup unsweetened frozen peaches
1/2 cup unsweetened mixed berries
2 big handfuls of fresh spinach leaves
2 cups of ice
and a splash of water
1 splenda packet

Total calories: 252 cals

I also bought a little tub of 0% Chobani (only because it was cheaper than Fage by almost $1.00) to add a scoop of. One cup of this Greek yogurt has 23g of protein (compared to regular Dannon yogurt that only has 8g). I didn't add it this time because I was nervous about how it would turn out but .. it was GREAT! I even made my roomie, Cat, try it and she had no idea there were leafy greens in my drink! It had kind of a nasty color because of the red/blue berries and green spinach but YUMMY! I will be making one tomorrow for breakfast :) 

Here are a few fun pictures!

mid-blending :) banana and frozen fruits on the bottom and green spinach getting chopped in!

nasty colored smoothie!


Happy getting-in-wedding-day-shape!  Between my recent gym-scapades and counting calories on myfitnesspal, I am feeling great. Yesterday I went nuts on the cardio machines and paid for it today when I could hardly lift my legs.  BUT! both days I have had calories to spare and should lose a few lbs if I keep it up! YAY!
235 days!

by Marissa ♥

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