Monday, August 17, 2009

American bound ..

Well, I officially leave "this week!" As of now, we are wondering if Hurricane Bill is going to make a run for us, a few different hurricane authorities think he might. The other campus got hit by Tropical Depression Ana last night, but I guess it was nothing more than some rain and light winds. Bill on the other hand, is supposed to be a raging Category 3 soon - so we shall see.

Just one more (big, two part) exam left on Thursday (3 days 6 hours 50 mins until that is over) then a fun night of "see you soons/see you later (no goodbyes)" and I leave on Friday at 5p if all goes well with this Atlantic basin hurricane crap. 

I can't wait to get outta here! 

by Marissa ♥

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I can't wait ...

to change the name of this BLOG! No more Caribbean for me for a LONG time. New blog name "Colby & Marissa's Saggy Adventures!" hahaha - good ring?!?

4 days 5 hours 10 mins until my final is OVER
5 days 14 hours 10 mins until I land @ LAX!

I have so much fun stuff planned while I am home and plans to see so many of my friends, I can't WAIT! Time to study! YAY!

 Sunset off my balcony in SB :) 

by Marissa ♥

Monday, August 10, 2009


Okay so its not that I am counting BUT .. 

9 days 20 hours 26 minutes until I am done with my final for the semester .. 

and 11 days 5 hours and 26 mins until I land in LAX and set foot on Californian soil! (I told Mom to bring listerine so I can wash my mouth out after I kiss the ground at LAX!)

As of now, when I get back I am rushing to see Button and baby Kaden, going car shopping and hopefully buying a Nissan Rogue (if they really are as fab as I think they are - thanks PopPop for all the help!) - feel free to make donations to the MARISSA DESERVES A CAR FOR BEING 1/2 WAY THROUGH MEDICAL SCHOOL FUND (and the fact Holly the Honda got sold the day before we left for Dominica so I have no car waiting for me!)

Sunday morning Mom and I are going to get massages at Burke Williams while Matty sleeps and then spending a family day before Matt leaves to go study abroad in Berlin!!! 

Monday, Matty leaves and Mom and I are going to the Angels v. Tigers game with Laura, Mike and Mikella :) ANDDDD it will be 11 weeks since surgery.

Other than that no solid plans except spend lots of time with Kim and Kaden and see as many people as possible!

Mom and I leave on Friday, the 28th to fly to Michigan. I am SO excited she is coming with :) she was born there, actually, so it will be fun for her to go back! And she can help me get organized with Target stuff/food/etc. The plan for NOW is that Colby will fly out from Spokane to see me on Sunday when Mom leaves and stay for a few days. It will have been a few days past 1 month since we have seen each other which is DOUBLE the longest time we have ever spent apart before this .. and it totally sucks. 

STUDY TIME! Mini 3 is Wednesday! AHHHHHHH!

Picture: Celebrating Dana's 25th bday (Dana, Brooke, Leslie, Dr. Cannon - my fav professor, she is an OB/GYN!, and me!)

by Marissa ♥

Saturday, August 1, 2009

♥ 2 years ♥

Not much time to write but today is our 2 year anniversary! It has been a whirlwind to say the least but we are happier than ever (minus being apart) and I can honestly say, I am IMPRESSED we made it this far. Through the first two years of medical school and we still like each other, let alone LOVE each other? SWEET! We don't even know when we will see each other next but we are both hoping for sooner rather than later, obviously. 

20 more days and I am Stateside! YAY!

(Some random pics of us: When we first started dating - Statemynt, SB || Sunset Bay restaurant in Dominica || Our going away party/Sunday Funday at El Torito in SB || Blue Bay in Dom || 4th semester banquet - WE MADE IT!)
 by Marissa ♥