Wednesday, February 18, 2009

West End Adventures

Today was an easy day, schedule-wise, for me and so we decided to take advantage of our new ride and go on a trip to the West End. Colby packed up lunch and came and grabbed me from campus and off we went. Here are some pictures from our little adventure.


Hope everyone is well :)

by Marissa or Colby ♥

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Two in one day! Lucky you :)

Colby just sent this to me - so I figured I would post it here! Click on the link and watch the video - its touching. (Love you Uncles!!!)

"Have you heard that Ken Starr -- and the Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund -- filed legal briefs defending the constitutionality of Prop 8 and attempting to forcibly divorce 18,000 same-sex couples that were married in California last year? The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in this case on March 5, with a decision expected within 90 days.

The Courage Campaign has created a video called "Fidelity," with the permission of musician Regina Spektor, that puts a face to those 18,000 couples and all loving, committed couples seeking full equality under the law.

Please watch this heartbreaking video now. If you have the same reaction that I did, please help me spread the word by sharing it with your friends and family ASAP:

The more people who see this video, the more people will understand the pain caused by Prop 8 and Ken Starr's shameful legal proceeding.
After you watch the video, please join me and over 250,000 people who have signed a letter to the state Supreme Court, asking them to invalidate Prop 8 and reject Starr's case."

by Marissa && Colby ♥

Happy Valentines Weekend :)

Just wanted to drop a quick note. I was thinking about it this morning and I think part of the reason I haven't been writing blogs as much is there is so much to do and be done here and in 3rd semester. In 1st and 2nd - we were in Dominica so the only option was sit at home in bed (since we didn't have any form of living room) or study and sit on campus (which I did for 12-16 hours/day).

In the Bahamas I have been feeling crunched for time. Mini 1 kind of sucked - but nothing that can't be recovered from - and after two semesters, I have proven to myself that it always works out. So I, honestly, am not worried. I know I have it in me - and have been working really hard to fix what was done wrong and continue to fine-tune my studying process. To help with the "time crunch" we are looking into buying a car ASAP. Colby is looking at a 2000 Mercury Sable right now, actually. Hopefully it works out and we can have the car early this week. Waiting around for buses and taxis really adds up in the "time wasted" department (not to mention its really frustrating always feeling like we are at the mercy of everyone else). Also, getting a car ourselves means that Colby should be able to start working sooner (rather than later).

I have some new pics for you all to see - enjoy!

Lookin' fabulous at our yummy sushi dinner for Valentine's Day

Colby playing with our friend, Luan, and his son.

Everyone playing at the beach!

Saturday we went to the beach at the Westin - amazing!

Friday night out in Port Lucaya :)

Out after the Mini - me and Joana

Post Mini fun :)

Lily, Joana and me

Lily, Kyung and me

by Marissa ♥

Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 things about me.

So there is this "thing" going around Facebook like the plague - where you write a note with 25 random things about yourself and post it for everyone to see. I suppose its kind of like a "getting to know you" exercise.

I thought I would share mine after going back and reading through them a few days after writing them. Enjoy.

1. I have been debating for the last few days if I should even bother writing this "note" - I have so much studying to do. But I keep thinking about what I would write about myself .. so here I am.

2. My mom is better than yours. I guarantee it. She is the single most amazing person I have ever met and one day, I hope to be as amazing as she has been to my brother and me to my own kids.

3. If I met a genie, my one wish would be to fast forward through the next few years. My grandpa always said, "Don't wish your life away" to my mom - and she tells me the same .. but medical school is hard and stressful and while I sit and study all day, every day .. my friends are all starting their lives, families and careers. I am jealous of that.

4. I am obsessed with weddings. I look at wedding stuff all the time. I know what colors I want, what dress I want, that I want to be married somewhere near the Pacific Ocean and that my mom is going to walk me down the aisle. I want 9 bridesmaids - Colby says no way. :) (I say, we'll see!)

5. I love sports (UCLA, Angels, Lakers and STEELERS!) and I love watching SportsCenter. Chris Berman's "whoops!" make me laugh every time and I think Mark Schlereth is hot.

6. I think that Victory from the show LIPSTICK JUNGLE has the most amazing style. I want it. And one day I plan on being able to afford it.

7. One day, I will wake up with an ocean view and the ocean breeze blowing on me in a big, fluffy bed. The more feathers, the better!!!!

8. I never think I am going to do well on an exam going into it or after. I am almost always pleasantly surprised and I am proud of myself for getting the grades I do. I hope that I keep kicking ass, especially because I like making Colby and my mom proud.

9. Laguna Beach is my favorite beach. I am obsessed with the beach. My name means, "of the sea" - so I tell myself it was destiny.

10. I am still really close with a lot of friends from my past and I wonder if I will ever make more friends like them. I want to have a "Sex and the City" group of girlfriends when I am older more than (almost) anything.

11. I only regret one relationship I have been in .. and not all of it. But I realized that staying in a relationship I wasn't 100% happy with made me miss out on months during my last year of college - and once I finally started to enjoy my friends and that time of my life to the fullest - it was over.

12. When I left SB, I thought I had spent enough time there. Going back over Christmas made me miss that amazing little town so much. What a kick ass place.

13. I miss my Uncle Boyd everyday. I got a new flower added to my "family garden" tattoo to remind me of him. The flower means "absence of a friend" and Nate added petals floating away to symbolize the same. I wish his transplant would have been successful.. he deserved it. And I feel like I deserve to have him here still.

14. I am the luckiest girl in the world .. I have someone that loves me enough to uproot his own life to support me while I follow my dreams of becoming a doctor. One day, I hope I can make him feel as supported and he makes me feel.

15. I wish I had green eyes like my mom.

16. I am in love with pretty shoes and buy them impulsively all the time.

17. I want to go on my honeymoon to South Africa or Europe. No more Caribbean for me .. for a very long time.

18. My brother is rad .. and I love him so much (when he is in a good mood!) :) hahah

19. I am extremely opinionated .. and I usually share my opinions, regardless of if people want to hear them. I hate stupid people. I hate people that lie because they don't have the balls to tell the truth.

20. I love blank underpants. I think they are sexyyy!!!

21. I LOVE CHEESE!! and wine and candles and jacuzzis and chocolate-covered strawberries.

22. I love everything Betsey Johnson. I think her stuff is adorable. It makes me feel girly and pretty.

23. I think that farts are hilarious.

24. I love to dance.. love love love it. And the louder the music the better.

25. I love it when Colby scratches my head before I go to sleep, and I think its funny that it gives me dreadlocks.

by Marissa ♥

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Kill me.

Well - 3rd semester sucks and aside from being totally overwhelmed and terrified of Mini 1 which is on MONDAY - I haven't really had much time to blog. I haven't really felt like it either - so for that, I apologize.

In a nutshell - the Bahamas is still amazing and I can't wait until after the exam so I can go do some exploring and playing. We get movies here when you all do - so next week, me and a couple of my girlfriends are going to go see, "He's just not that into you!" Colby has been cooking some incredible food. And we have both been working out (him with our neighbor and some other guys and he makes workouts for me and cheers me on) which feels great (although I am taking the week off!)

Colby is hanging in there - pre-Mini weeks are notoriously boring and lonely for him. We are still waiting for the car and then hopefully he will be able to start doing his thing :)

We had an amazing BBQ at our place on Sunday for the Superbowl - which of course - ended fabulously!

See pictures!

Back to it - I will try and be better about posting post-Mini

by Marissa ♥